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Prosecutorial Misconduct Complaint to NH Attorney Discipline Office

What you should know

Great effort has been made to right the injustice that Jesse Brooks has suffered at the hands of an ambitious attorney general but the government has turned a blind eye to its role in the miscarriage of justice that was Jesse Brooks’ prosecution, trial and conviction. 


Few people understand that prosecutors have absolute immunity. They are protected from a lawsuit - even when they hide evidence that proves someone’s innocence, even when they offer evidence they know to be false, even when they abuse their position and their power. And, most especially, even when their actions put an innocent person in prison.

A plea for justice

When there was nowhere else to turn after Jesse’s appeal was denied on October 27, 2011, Jesse’s aunt, Anne Chamberlain, decided to contact the New Hampshire Attorney Discipline Office for help. She was hopeful that someone in authority would see the injustice Jesse faced and continues to live out each day from his prison cell. And there was reason to hope...

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The NH. Attorney Discipline Office had already formally reprimanded then Assistant Attorney General Karen Huntress for her actions in State v. Vincent Schonarth in which she repeatedly lied to a judge about her knowledge or complicity in the possession of a client’s seized funds. It wasn’t until the family came forward with an inventory receipt proving Huntress’ involvement that she admitted to having their cash in an evidence storage locker. Karen Huntress had been one of the architects of the Brooks case but after her misconduct became public, Attorney General Kelly Ayotte (now a US Senator) immediately replaced her with Janice Rundles. In addition to the violation of public trust, the State was financially responsible for all legal fees resulting from Huntress’ actions. Janice Rundles picked up the Brooks case where Huntress left off - all under the leadership of Attorney General Kelly Ayotte.

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Karen Huntress’ OTHER prosecutorial misconduct 

complaints have been destroyed by the Attorney

Discipline Office per their retention policy.

File # 05-011 Dated 03/08/10  Destroyed

File # 05-086 Dated 03/08/10  Destroyed




Note: Karen Huntress filed a WITHDRAWAL from the Jesse Brooks case 11/18/08 yet Right-To-Know documents revealed that she was still being copied on materials through 4/8/09. She worked Jesse’s case while being investigated for egregious misconduct.


Janice Rundles moved to the Michigan Genesee County Prosecutor’s Office but is now back at the NH Attorney General’s Office again.

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Misconduct Complaint Chronology

©2022 by Justice For Jesse Brooks.

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